Making the Right Investment for Your Kitchen

How to Improve Your Bathroom’s Value
July 25, 2020

Making the Right Investment for Your Kitchen

Renovating seems easy in theory, but when you have to start digging into the details, it can quickly become difficult. What choices can you make to actually increase the value of your kitchen? One investment that can add a lot of value to the kitchen is stonework. At JPJ Granite, we create beautiful stone pieces for your kitchen. When you want to work with marble, granite, quartz, and other stone materials, we’re the ones to call. Here’s why using stone is a great investment to make for improving your kitchen’s value.

Stone Lasts a Lifetime
Most stone materials can easily last for decades if not centuries. Unlike wood or vinyl, stone can take a lot of abuse. When it’s exposed to moisture, it maintains its integrity. When you choose quartz countertops, for example, it can even stand up to extreme temperatures without becoming damaged.
This investment ensures that the stone pieces are built to last. You won’t have to tear them up later for repairs or maintenance. Once sealed, your stone countertops, floors, or other pieces are there to last.

Stone is Peak Aesthetic Value
There’s a reason that you often find stone floors and countertops in the homes of celebrities and professionals. Its aesthetic value is unmatched. It looks great. Stone offers shades of color and designs that wood and vinyl can’t emulate. When people walk into a kitchen with stone floors, countertops, backsplashes, and other pieces, they’re going to immediately find the room to be classy and stately.
You can easily transform any standard kitchen into something worthy of a magazine cover by just switching to stone.

Easy to Maintain
Another reason that people love stone and why it adds to your kitchen’s value is that it’s easy to maintain. With wood and vinyl, you often have to sand it or repair it to ensure it stays healthy. This isn’t the case with stone products. At most, you just need to clean it from time to time. It typically doesn’t require any staining or other protective coats to keep it from degrading.
After its initial installation, your stone countertops or floors simply need a bit of cleaning now and then to keep up with standard sanitation requirements. With minimal maintenance required, you don’t have to invest in anything further with the stone.

Stone is Easily Customizable
When it comes to using other materials, you tend to lack any real customization. Dark wood will always be dark wood. Stone, on the other hand, comes in so many different shades of color and designs that it’s easy to get a custom piece specifically for your kitchen. These custom pieces can make your house stand out from others.

Contact Us Today

If you want to make a real investment into your kitchen and increase its value, then you need to work with stone. Contact us today to see what kind of stone products we can offer your kitchen. Check out our gallery for some great examples.